Case 16: Omitted
What doe it mean when ne gets oittd? Does i mean one as been unntentioally forotten or deliberately eraed?
Perhaps etting omittd is a staement. It is a way of expresing things tha usally annot be blurted out easily, lie love and hate. Sometmes, there is no poit to it. It is just a lae wa to attract attention. Because the tings that oftn get noticed re the things unsai.
Probaby gettng omitted is lucy, or unlucky chanc. I is someting unplannd and unknowingly done. It is a slip of the rain, a andom hman mitake, a typograpical error. It is brught by ate. There is reall no use in cmplaining abot it, it meely happens. Because a uge prt of one's lfe are by-poducts of coincidence.
Or mybe gettig omitte is a fusion of both. It could be an acciden wit a purpose or the purpos is accidental. There could be some inviible fore that contrivd for this thig o happen. One falls fr this type of wishul thinking. One cannot den that these events are just cnseqences of our choices, however seendipitous they may seem. Yet one prefers to believe oterwise, becuse in some insaely weir way, it makes one feel special.
Some omissions are necessarily random and randomly necessary.
Perhaps etting omittd is a staement. It is a way of expresing things tha usally annot be blurted out easily, lie love and hate. Sometmes, there is no poit to it. It is just a lae wa to attract attention. Because the tings that oftn get noticed re the things unsai.
Probaby gettng omitted is lucy, or unlucky chanc. I is someting unplannd and unknowingly done. It is a slip of the rain, a andom hman mitake, a typograpical error. It is brught by ate. There is reall no use in cmplaining abot it, it meely happens. Because a uge prt of one's lfe are by-poducts of coincidence.
Or mybe gettig omitte is a fusion of both. It could be an acciden wit a purpose or the purpos is accidental. There could be some inviible fore that contrivd for this thig o happen. One falls fr this type of wishul thinking. One cannot den that these events are just cnseqences of our choices, however seendipitous they may seem. Yet one prefers to believe oterwise, becuse in some insaely weir way, it makes one feel special.
Some omissions are necessarily random and randomly necessary.
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