Saturday, February 05, 2005


It was during one of those annual floods and I was riding on a make-shift boat (an aluminum wash basin on a lifesaver). It was floating in front of our make-shift house (a small cube of plywood and tin). I sat there lazily, surrounded by brown water and enjoying being carried away by the current.
I could not see anyone near. The other kids were swimming in the streets, where the water was much deeper. I could hear the splashes and their laughters which made me wish that I knew how to swim. My mother was probably cooking breakfast at my aunt's house. I was starting to get bored.
I decided to return inside. I paddled towards the door using my hands. It was quite difficult because I was going against the flow. I reached for the post and held on it to stop moving. However, the boat did not stop. Before I knew it, I fell into the water and remembered looking at the cloud of sand that my plunge had created before losing consciousness.
I woke up shivering and vomitting at the thought of ingesting dirty water. I felt sick and ashamed. My parents and cousins would be laughing at me for that stupid error I committed. I explained to them I just really wanted to stop.
That incident will not be talked about for years, and up to now, I still do not know who picked me out the water. Whoever you are, thank you for giving me a second chance.


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