Friday, December 17, 2004

Case 5: Personality Defect

I want to meet someone with a perfect personality. Someone with no bad habits, no neuroses, no weaknesses. Someone who is good in every way, and in everything. Someone I would envy.
There were several occasions when I thought I found that person, but eventually got disappointed in the end. No matter how perfect a person seemed to be, flaws were undeniably present. There were always things to criticize, to be insecured about. There is always a personality defect that could disgrace that person's life completely.
Perhaps it is foolish to search for such or even consider one exists. The world employs various ways to mess someone up. Yet, it is easy for me to forget this tiny bit of fact and get into trouble because of this. Therefore I must keep reminding myself to face this ugly reality to avoid making it worse.

If I was able to do that, then our case would not have happened. It was all my fault. I got too caught up with my daydream. I was too stubborn. I should not have believed I can escape mine.


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