Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Case 14: Mistaken Identity

Maybe it is because of the tiny resemblance in your looks, attitude, and behavior. I get confused and suffer a mild case of mistaken identity. I know it is unfair, but I cannot help but treat you as a mere substitute for someone else.
And now I am doubting whether I know you at all. Are you really who I think you are, or are you who I want you to be? Do I want to know the real you?
And it is sick. It is the lowest form of parasitism. It is murder. I will continue to pathetically survive clinging to that idea.
And it will only end if both of you confront me at the same time. Then I will have to choose whom to discard.
How does someone lose their identity? They lose it in other people. Just like how you lost yours in me.
How does someone gain their identity? They gain it in other people. Just like how I gained mine in you.


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